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fixed idea 【心理學】固執的思想;固定妄想。

fixed price

He had a fixed idea , i guessed by several observations he let fall , that , as his nephew resembled him in person , he would resemble him in mind ; for linton s letters bore few or no indications of his defective character 他有一個執著的想法,這是我從他好幾次談話中猜到的,就是,他的外甥既然長得像他,他的心地一定也像他,因為林敦的信很少或根本沒有表示過他的缺陷。

Knowing that englishmen governed by a fixed idea sometimes resort to the desperate expedient of suicide , passepartout kept a narrow watch upon his master , though he carefully concealed the appearance of so doing 實際上,我們知道,象他這樣一個性情孤僻的英國人,有時思想鉆進了牛角尖,就會選擇一條極端悲慘的出路。

You have only a few children at home and you can t even teach them . it s very difficult to teach people when they have already grown up and have a lot of fixed ideas inside their heads 你們家里只有幾個小孩,都教不了,要教已經成年而且滿腦成見的人,很困難很麻煩,他們還會經常誤會你。

This fixed idea of the rhapsodist was delivered with animated enthusiasm , in a manner entirely declamatory , for he had plainly no skill as a dialectician 那位狂熱講道人的一成不變的理論,是用狂熱的情緒講出來的,講道的態度完全是一種慷慨激昂的態度,很明顯完全不懂得辯證的技巧。

Three hours later , pursued even in his dreams by a fixed idea , the poor fellow awoke , and struggled against the stupefying influence of the narcotic 他在向鴉片煙的麻醉作用掙扎抵抗,他那由于任務沒有完成而感到焦慮的心情使他從昏迷中清醒過來。

But my mother , a strict victorian with fixed ideas of what constituted a worthwhile career refused to give her permission 但是我的母親是維多利時代一個嚴厲的人。她對于什么是一個好職業有一個固定的看法。她不同意。

The university as a step to anything but ordination seemed , to this man of fixed ideas , a preface without a volume 對這位思想觀念一成不變的牧師來說,進劍橋大學似乎只是進入教會的第一步,是一篇還沒有正文的序言。

John had a fixed idea that it was only the lack of a typewriter that prevented him from becoming a novelist 約翰固執的認為,是由于他沒有打字機才不能成為一名小說家的。

In the middle section the “ fixed idea “ reappears in waltz time , introduced by flute and oboe 在中部,長笛和雙簧管用園舞曲的節奏再次引出了“固定樂思” 。

Never get a fixed idea of just how high any price is going to go or just how low they are going 決不因為價格上升多高或者下跌多低都而固執已見。

At the climax of the movement the “ fixed idea “ is recapitulated by full orchestra ff 在這個樂章的高潮處,整個樂隊以ff的力度重現“固定樂思” 。

It seemed evidently that he refuses preconceptions , prejudice , and fixed ideas 似乎明顯地表示他拒絕先入為主,有偏見及死腦筋的念頭。

It is your fixed idea that you must be something or other , that blinds you 是你那要成為某些或其他東西這種固執的想法將自己蒙蔽。

Rather strange he should have just that fixed idea 有點兒不可思議的是,他偏偏有這么個固定觀念。

He was the more surprised at his daughter's wanton play of a fixed idea . 女兒竟是這樣放肆地表達她頑固不化的思想,使他感到格外驚訝。

He had the fixed idea that a woman 's place was in the home . 他有個成見,認為女人的天地是在家里。

His fixed idea was to get away to some obscure spot . 他當時只想跑到一個不見人的地方。

It's these people with fixed ideas who are the danger . 危險的就是這些一門心思的人。